Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thursday Morning Bible Study

These are my Bible Study Ladies out for lunch and a visit to our dear Sister Florence. It was her 92 birthday and we wanted to go and sing hymns with her. It was a glorious time. These women are so dear and supportive.

Kiley and Cora

Kiley and Cora and doing well. We feel so blessed with these two girls. Kiley's a great Mom!

Bret and Gabe at the Circus

Bret and Gabe agreed to this picture and they never forbid me to post it. We love our two sons-in-laws so much and we just want to thank them both for loving their families so well even though they're just a couple of clowns.

Eli and the Circus

Eli wasn't sure about the Circus until the Elepahnts arrived, which was nearly til the end. He did like the Popcorn and Cotton Candy though from the beginning.

The Ringling Bros. Circus-Family Event

Seth Loved the Circus Food. Between Popcorn and Cotton Candy he was one happy Circus boy

At The Circus with the Family

Makenna had the best time at the Circus watching the Tight Rope Walkers and Flying Trapeze.

Making quilts for the babies

I have been chained to the sewing machine every Friday for two months now working on baby quilts with a sweet friend, Lori. She is a Master quilter and often grades my ironing and quilting abilities. I got a D- the other day for leaving the iron on the finished quilt top. Well, I was talking so I couldn't help it. We have finished two girl quilts and now will try to get two boy quilts done in the next few weeks. Thanks Lori, you've been great.

Carol, Val and Bill's Wild Rafting Adventure

Carol, Bill and I needed some adventure in our lives so we went rafting on the Payette River.