We enjoyed being together at Katie Murphy's Wedding Show. Kate had just been in Illinois so we wereso glad to see her. She's doing well and waiting for Georgia to be born.
Ela likes to hide her eggs in a new nest every now and then. We have to go out and follow her very discreetly. I hide behind trees and tip toe so she won't see me. I found this stash after looking a a week. They are still fresher than eggs you get in the store and very delicious.
This is Ela, my little Red Hen. She's one of three very friendly hens in our back yard. They come running when they hear our voice and they sleep in a Cute little Coop that Bill built.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
There is no doubt that wrestling is one of their favorite things to do. They growl and scoot and grab each other and Papa loves pretending to throw Eli to the ground. After one of the skirmeshes they got up and hugged and then Kiley got this shot.
Great Grandma Olivia with baby Cora having a good time.
We currently have Seven grandchildren with number 8 on the way. WE are blessed beyond our wildest dreams.
Their names and ages are as follows:
Seth-5 years.
Cora Elisabeth-Almost Four.
Georgia Noel-Almost Four
Charlet June-2
Paience-9 Mos. Old
Dear Friends, Family and Associates,
We started this blog to improve our "stay-in-touch" abilities. This way you can see what we're up to and say hi. We want to share with you the wonderful things that God has done and we know He is doing great things in your lives too! We are so thankful for so many blessings and even the trials prove in the long run to be possibly even bigger blessings. We are so happy to share our lives with you. God bless you all. Go on Facebook under Valerie Donnelly Gray for what's going on in our lives